An informative, timely, and practical guide to the lost art of conversation from NPR veteran Celeste Headlee—now in paperback
“A well-researched and careful analysis of how and why we talk with one another—our strengths and (myriad) weaknesses…. A thoughtful discussion and sometimes-passionate plea for civility and consideration in conversation.”— Kirkus Reviews
Based on the wildly popular TED Talk with more than 10 million views!
WE NEED TO TALK. They are, perhaps, the most dreaded four words in the English language. But in her timely and practical book, We Need to Talk, Celeste Headlee—a public radio host—makes the case that they are urgently needed.
Today most of us communicate from behind electronic screens, and studies show that Americans feel less connected and more divided than ever before. The blame for some of this disconnect can be attributed to our political landscape, but the erosion of our conversational skills as a society lies with us as individuals.
And the only way forward, says Headlee, is to start talking to each other. In We Need to Talk, she outlines the strategies that have made her a better conversationalist and offers actionable steps anyone can take to improve their communication skills. For example:
• BE THERE OR GO ELSEWHERE. Human beings are incapable of multitasking, and this is especially true of tasks that involve language. Think you can catch up on your e-mail while talking on the phone? Think again.
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[수강기간 시작 전]
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[수강기간 시작 후]
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교환 및 반품이 불가능한 경우 |
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